Prague TOP 20 Sights


Discover the TOP 20 sights in Prague during your car tour. There are many memorable places to view. Let’s make a journey to the Prague Castle, St. Nicholas Church, Charles Bridge or Old Town Square.

One tour in historical cabriolet - all “You must see” places!




Historical Car Tours


Prague Castle


Prague Castle is the most visited jewel of the country. Based on the Guiness book of world records, it is the largest castle complex in the world with more than 70 000 sqm. The area bosts historical palaces, sacral buildings, gardens and has a very special atmosphere. Since the 9th century it is the seat of Dukes of Bohemia, later Czech Kings and from 1918 onwards as well the seat of our presidents.


Schwarzenberg Palace


Schwarzenberg Palace is a jewell among renaissance palaces in Prague. It served in the past as a representative residence of the noble families Lobkowicz and Schwarzenberg. Nowadays it houses a permanent exhibition of the National Gallery, presenting 160 sculptures and 280 paintings of the period of the late 16th to the 18th century.




Loreta is a Marian pilgrimage site with a copy of the Santa Casa and the Church of Nativity. In the tower there is a carillon with 27 Loreto bells playing every full hour a Marian song. We can see as well the Loreto treasury with a masterpiece – a Diamond ostensuary with 6 222 diamonds.


Saint Nicholas Church


Saint Nicholas Church belongs to the most precious baroque sacral buildings north of Alps. You can admire the size of the Dome and the spectacular interior of the Church. In the church are presented every year organ concerts on the instrument which used as well Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart when he stayed in Prague.


Charles Bridge


Charles Bridge is the oldest Vltava river bridge in Prague and the second oldest in the Czech republic. The bridge has been ended on both riversides by a tower gate. Charles IV started in 1357 the bridge construction, it is 516 meters long and there are 30 statues of patron saints on the bridge.


Prague Infant Jesus


Prague Infant Jesus is a small wax statue of little Jesus Christ. It is a unique artefact, made in Spain in the 16th century and donated to the discalced carmelites by princess Polyxena of Lobkowicz. For many people is this statuette a symbol of faith and hope. The statue of Infant Jesus of Prague has a collection of more than 100 ceremonial dresses and you can admire this colletion in the church museum.


Dancing House


Dancing House became a natural part of Prague. Its name it has got after a dancing pair of Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire. The stone tower represents Fred Astaire and the glass tower Ginger Rogers. On the top of the Dancing House you may enjoy a stunning view of the Prague Castle and Charles Bridge. The building is one of masterpieces of the famous canadian architect Frank Gehry.


National Theatre


National Theatre is a representative scene of the Czech Republic. Being one of the symbols of the Czech identity it represents a part of the European cultural heritage. The complex forms the original neo-renaissance building together with the New Scene – home of Laterna Magica. The National Theatre will certainly attract your attention with its goldplated roof.




Klementinum is the second largest historical building complex after the Prague Castle. It used to be a Jesuit College and nowadays it houses the National library of the Czech Republic. In the complex could be found a unique Mirror Chapel as well as the Astronomical Tower with a meteorological observatory where scientists measure Prague weather data more than 200 years.




Rudolfinum represents a valuable neo-renaissance palace connected with music and fine art. This architectural site is a seat of the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra and the Rudolfinum gallery. There is a Dvořák concert Hall, a venue for exceptional concerts and a very popular Café with a finely designed interior.


Old Jewish Cemetery


Old Jewish Cemetery is with no doubt a historical site of a worlwide reach. It has been founded in the first half of the 15th century and together with the Old New Synagogue belongs to the most valuable sites of the Old Jewish City in Prague.The cemetery used to be a burrial place of the Prague Jewish Community for more than 350 years and there are more than 12 000 gravestones on its area.


Old New Synagogue


Old New Synagogue is one of the oldest and most valuable jewish monuments. It is the oldest active synagogue in Europe and the second oldest in the world. It is used for services since the last quarter of the 13th century. Based on a legend, the artificial man called Golem sleeps under the roof of the Old New Synagogue. Golem has been created by chief rabbi of Prague – Jehuda Liva ben Becalel.


Old Town Square


Old Town Square is considered by many tourists for the most beautiful square in Europe. One of the most popular attractions is certainly the Astronomical Clock. Tourists are admiring the display of apostols, but the Old Town Square offers much more than that. It has a vibrant past and represents the place of major events in the Czech history.


Church of Our Lady before Týn


Church of Our Lady before Týn is the landmark of the Old Town Square. It has an interesting history and a spectacular interior. A unique artefact represents a huge tin baptismal font. The church has been a burrial place for the famous danish astronome and astrologist Tycho Brahe. A legend says, whoever will touch his right face, there won´t be any more problems with teeths for him or her.


Municipal House


Municipal House is the most valuable Art Nouveau site in Prague. There is the Smetana Hall, a famous concert venue with a capacity of more than 1200 spectators. Each year it hosts the famous Prague Spring Music Festival. In the ground floor we recommend you to visit the Art Nouveau Café with a great stylish interior.


Powder Tower


Powder Tower belongs to most famous landmarks of the medieval Prague. Here used to start the Royal coronation route. The name it has got after a storage of the gun powder inside at the end of the 17th century. The tower is 65 meters tall the view gallery is in the height of 44 meters and you could reach it after 186 stairs.


Wenceslas Square


Wenceslas Square is one of the cultural and trade centres of Prague. It is a 750 meters long and 60 meters wide boulevard in the New Town of Prague. In Middle Ages there was a Horse market there, today there is plenty of shops, boutiques, restaurants and theatres. The Square coronates the statue of our first patron saint, saint Wenceslas and the monumental building of the Museum of the Natural history.


Charles Square


Charles Square is the largest square in the Czech republic and one of the largest squares in Europe. In Middle Ages there was a cattle market on the square, but recently we can enjoy a quiet zone in the park. The dominants of the Charles square are the New Town City Hall, the jesuit church of saint Ignatius and the house of Dr. Faust.


Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus


Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is the most important sacral building of the 20th century in the Czech republic. This modern monumental piece of art has been designed by a slovenian architect Josip Plečnik. The dominant is a wide church tower, fourty meters tall with an amazing clock with a diameter of eight meters.


Žižkov TV Tower


Žižkov TV Tower is the tallest building in the Czech republic and the highest view point. It is considered to be the second uggliest building in the world up to the australian server VirtualTourist. There are placed 10 giant babies on the tower made by czech artist David Černý. From the observation Deck or restaurant you may have a wonderful view to the whole city of Prague.



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